Friday, August 28, 2009
Ezra 7:10
Follow Ezra's example: set your heart to study the Word, to do it, and to pass it on to others.
Ezra 7:27
Reading about God turning the hearts of all these kings gives me hope for Obama. God can change him too; am I praying for it?
Job 40:4
The inevitable result of encountering God: "Behold, I am of small account." When we see Him for who He is, we see who we really are.
Acts 23:11
"Take must testify also in Rome." We are invincible until we do all that God has called us to do.
Luke 10:21
Jesus rejoices that His Father has hidden the glorious things of the Gospel from some. Does that give us joy? Should it?
Luke 10:22
I only know God because Jesus CHOSE to reveal Him to me. He hasn't chosen everyone. If that doesn't humble me, I don't get it.
Luke 10:17ff
The highest reason to rejoice is not success in ministry or expelling demonic forces, but this: My name is written in heaven.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Ezra 6:22
Joy: it's commanded (Phil4:4), but you can't make it happen: "They kept the feast...with joy, for the LORD had made them joyful."
Job 39
Hard time knowing what to say to this chapter. But that's good; it's exactly what God is aiming for, isn't it? (see 40::4)
Acts 22
Paul had beaten & imprisoned Christians, stood by and approved as they were killed. Yet when Ananias calls him, "Brother." Amazing!
Luke 10:3
Jesus commissions His disciples: "I am sending you out as lambs in the midst of wolves." In other words: expect attacks.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Ezra 4
If God stirred up Cyrus' heart to aid the Jews, He could have done the same to Artaxerxes. God must have purposes for our setbacks.
Job 38
God upholds and guides the constellations. That means He's wise enough and strong enough to care for my little life. Trust Him!
Luke 9:59
Jesus' description of those who don't follow Him: "Leave THE DEAD to bury their own dead. Apart from Him, there is no life.
Acts 21:13
O God, may I be so committed to Jesus: "I am ready not only to be imprisoned but even to die in Jerusalem for the name of Jesus."
Luke 9:43
While all marveled at the majesty of Jesus, He says: "They're going to kill me." Cross must precede crown, for Jesus and us.
Ezra 3:11
Ever done this in worship? "The people shouted w/a great shout when they praised the Lord." Or is that zeal reserved for ballgames?
Job 38:1
God's view of those who try to stand in judgment of His ways: "Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?"
Monday, August 24, 2009
Job 37:23
"The Almighty - we cannot find Him." Mercifully, He's actively in pursuit of us. Otherwise, no hope for anybody.
Ezra 1:1
Cyrus had free do all that GOD had stirred up his heart to do. He turns the hearts of kings wherever He wills (Prov.21:1).
Ezra 2:62
Folks excluded from priesthood who can't prove their genealogy. Grateful that in Christ, I'll NEVER be excluded from God's presence.
Acts 20:24
"I don't account my life of any value, if only I may testify to the gospel of the grace of God." What gives your life value?
Luke 9:29
"As He was praying.." Transfiguration is unrepeatable, but maybe I don't radiate with God's glory this way b/c I'm not so devoted to prayer?
Sunday, August 23, 2009
2 Chronicles 34-36
It was 10 years after Josiah began to seek God that the temple was repaired & Passover celebrated. Fruitful ministry takes TIME.
Job 36:33
"Its crashing [the lightning] declares His presence." Thunderstorms are God's message: I'm here, and I'm not to be trifled with.
Acts 20:1-2
Paul is constantly encouraging others. May it be that those who spend time with me can say that their souls have been refreshed.
Luke 9:23ff
Odd logic: "You want life, right? Then take up your cross and die." Self-denial is fueled by the longing to experience true life.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Luke 9:1ff
Preaching the Kingdom is most powerful when accompanied by physical demonstrations of Kingdom healing. Ministry is word AND deed.
Acts 19
Paul's message: "gods made with hands are not gods." Gospel ministry must confront people's idols, or it produces false converts.
Job 36:15
"He delivers the afflicted by their affliction, and opens their ears by adversity." Pain is one way God gets our attention.
2 Chronciles 33
Illustrates Job36:15: "When Manasseh was in distress, he entreated the favor of the LORD and humbled himself greatly." His ears were opened.
Friday, August 21, 2009
2 Chronicles 32:1
"After these acts of faithfulness, Sennacharib king of Assyria came and invaded Judah." Hezekiah's faithfulness to God DID NOT ensure ease.
Job 35:7
"If you're righteous, what do you give to Him?" Don't serve God as if He needs something from you. Your obedience can't improve Him.
Acts 19:13ff
Lesson learned from Sceva's sons: don't expect help from Jesus if you don't want a relationship with Jesus.
Luke 8:40ff
Both Jairus & bleeding woman turn to Jesus in their crisis. Help me, Lord, to put my hope in no other saviors than Him.
2 Chronicles 30:10ff
Some mocked Hezekiah's reforms, yet others were humbled & obeyed. The difference: not free will, but wills MADE FREE (see v.12)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Acts 18:18
Christians are beaten publicly while govt. looks opposite way, yet Paul "stays many days longer." Timid people can't do ministry.
Acts 18:21
Good to remember when you leave for work, or anywhere: "I will return to you, IF GOD WILLS." Include God in your travel plans.
Luke 8:29
Chains & shackles can't subdue these demons, yet they cower in fear before Jesus. Conclusion: Jesus is not JUST a lamb, meek & mild.
Job 34:22
Trying to elude God's watchful eye is a losing cause: "There is no gloom or deep darkness where evildoers may hide themselves." He sees ALL.
2 Chronicles 28:23
Ahaz the pragmatist: "Because the gods of Syria helped them, I will sacrifice to them, that they may help me." Not very wise.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Luke 8:24
"He rebuked the wind & the raging waves," and the storm obeyed! Nothing in the cosmos is outside the authority and power of King Jesus.
2 Chronicles 26:16
The deadly danger of success: "When Uzziah was strong, he grew proud, to his destruction." I'd rather be a failure than be proud.
Job 34:17
"Will you condemn Him who is righteous & mighty?" Elihu infers this is insane...yet millions of people do it every day. God won't be silent.
Acts 18:17
Christians were oppressed, but Gallio "paid no attention to any of this." Government is still a vain object for Christ's people to hope in.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
2 Chronicles 24
Another sad tale of a king (Joash) who started off well, but made shipwreck of his life by the end. O God, grant me strength to finish well.
Job 33:27
The song of the saved: "I sinned and perverted what was right, and it was not repaid to me. He has redeemed my soul from the pit."
Acts 17:16ff
Evangelism = showing people the vanity of their idols & presenting the One in whom we live, move and have our being.
Luke 8:10
Jesus' parables are not supposed to make truth more accessible, but less. This makes me marvel all the more that He's granted me to see.
Monday, August 17, 2009
2 Chronicles 21:15
A taste of hell: "You will have a severe sickness...until your bowels come out because of the disease, day by day." Defying God is SERIOUS.
2 Chronicles 20:12
When crisis & chaos come, may God give us grace to say, "We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You." May HE be enough!
2 Chronicles 19:3
Hanani: "Should you help the wicked & love those who hate the LORD?" Implied answer is no. But I'm sure glad that's how Jesus dealt with me.
Acts 17:6
Christians = "These [people] who have turned the world upside down." Does anyone say that about us now, or do we long to be like the world?
Job 33:6
Good posture before God: "I too was pinched off from a piece of clay." Clay doesn't call the shots; the Potter does. He does as He pleases.
Luke 7:47
Loving Jesus flows from seeing how great the debt is that He pays for us. Labor each day to know sin, that you might marvel at His love.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
2 Chronicles 18:33
RANDOM = God's sovereign decree: "A certain man drew his bow at random" (2Chr18:33), and Ahab fell on schedule (v.19). Helped by JP on this.
Acts 16:19ff
Paul & Silas are stripped, beaten & imprisoned for preaching Christ. If heralding His name led to this for me, would I do it? I pray so!
Job 32
A good model for young folks: Elihu stays quiet and lets his elders talk first...but he does correct them when their counsel isn't helpful.
2 Chronicles 18:13
May all preachers say with Micaiah today: "As the LORD lives, what my God says, that will I speak."
Luke 7:22
Jesus' validation of His ministry: blind see, lame walk, lepers cleansed, poor hear good news. Do we have His concern for the outcast?
Saturday, August 15, 2009
2 Chronicles 14:11
With war looming, Asa prays: "Let not man prevail against YOU." Plead with God on the basis of His greatest passion: His name.
2 Chronicles 15:16
Loving is the child who exposes and destroys the idols of his parents. Lord, give Your people Asa's brokenhearted boldness.
Acts 16:14
Two people hear the Gospel; One is bored, the other enthralled. Why? "The Lord opened her heart.." Sovereign grace makes all the difference.
2 Chronicles 13:12
"Do not fight against the LORD, for you cannot succeed." Warring against God is a losing battle; all His enemies will soon be His footstool.
Job 31:24ff
Signs of unrighteousness: loving money more than God, joy at the ruin of enemies, not sharing wealth w/needy, hiding sin. Which apply to me?
Acts 16:3
Timothy is willing to endure circumcision to gain an audience for the Gospel. That's a man who loves the Gospel! May it be so of me too.
Luke 7:12ff
Jesus was moved by human need, & HE DID SOMETHING ABOUT IT. I may not be able to raise the dead, but what AM I doing to care for the needy?
Friday, August 14, 2009
2 Chronicles 12:5
All nonbelievers will one day hear God say these horrifying words: 'You abandoned me, so I have abandoned you.' Yet today, He offers mercy.
Luke 7:1ff
The centurion's friends thought he was worthy of blessing, but he knew better: 'I am not worthy...' May we all assess ourselves this wisely.
Acts 15:39
Differences of opinion need not destroy unity. Paul & Barnabas have a 'sharp disagreement', but remain united in spreading the Good News.
Job 31:4
It takes 10 steps for me to get to Halle's room right now; but I won't make it unless God says so: 'Does not He...number all my steps?'
2 Chronicles 10
Rehoboam spurns wise counsel, but this 'was a turn of affairs BROUGHT ABOUT BY GOD.' Man's stupidity can't thwart God's purposes.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
2 Chronicles 9:1ff
Queen is left breathless by Solomon's wealth & glory. What is the right response, then, to the deep riches of God's wisdom & knowledge?
Job 30:20
"I cry to You for help and You do not answer me" Job FELT this, but Jesus really experienced it. Therefore, He'll NEVER leave or forsake us.
Acts 15:11
Calling all legalists: "We will be saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus" You can't add to or improve His finished work, so stop trying!
Luke 6:46ff
The way to have your house torn down: calling Jesus Lord, yet not doing what He says. Without obedience to Christ, you're standing on sand.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Job 29:14
Righteousness isn't just Bible reading & prayer; it's being eyes to the blind, feet to the lame & a father to the needy. See Isaiah 1:12ff.
Luke 6:41ff
Folly: 'Friend, I can help you with that speck in your eye; O, never mind the 2x4 in my eye, I see just fine.' Both guys will fall in a pit.
Acts 14:2
An odd conjunction: Jews & Gentiles were stirred up against Paul & Barnabas, SO they remained for a long time. Not: so they left town ASAP!
2 Chronicles 6:18
'Will God indeed dwell with men on the earth?' He will, Solomon: 'The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory.'
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Luke 6:32ff
One test to know if you grasp Christ's love: do you love the unlovable? That's how Christ loved us; He's kind to the ungrateful and wicked.
Acts 13:27
God's wisdom: 'Because people did not understand the words of the prophets, they fulfilled them by condemning Jesus.' Man CANNOT thwart God.
Job 28
Gold, jewels, crystal and pearls cannot compare with this treasure: wisdom. If you would have true wealth, get it no matter what it costs.
2 Chronicles 5:14
Are we really meeting God in worship? When His glory filled the temple, no one could stand before Him. Our services are tame by comparison.
2 Chronicles 3:8
Solomon overlays the Most Holy Place with 45,000 lbs. of gold. Is this not evidence that the Person who dwells here is REALLY valuable?
Monday, August 10, 2009
James 1:27
Emergents want to care for the poor. Fundamentalists want to keep pure from the world. True religion is BOTH. Don't pick one or the other.
2 Chronicles 2:6
God is BIG: 'Heaven, even the highest heaven, cannot contain Him.' How staggering that He cares for tiny, insignificant specks called 'man'!
Job 27:8
'What is the hope of the godless when God takes away his life?' Answer: none. Every attempt at happiness without God fails in the end.
Acts 13:18
'For about 40 years He put up w/them...' Astonishing how patient God was with the Israelites' unbelief...and mine. What unmerited kindness!
Luke 6:20ff
Strange definition of happiness: poor, hungry, weeping, hated, excluded and reviled for Jesus' sake. These are the ones He calls 'Blessed.'
Sunday, August 9, 2009
1 Chronicles 29:14ff
Joyfully giving to God is rooted in knowing what God has given to us. We have far more reason to rejoice in God's generosity than David did.
Job 25
God views man as a maggot & a worm because of sin. How wonderful, then, is this: that Christ was slaughtered to turn maggots into children.
Luke 6:11
Jesus' compassion for this cripple arouses the fury of the Pharisees. Do not measure an act of love by the response it gets from others.
Acts 12:15
'Don't be crazy, Rhoda; Peter's in jail! Now get back here and pray w/us that God would release him!' Am I this skeptical when I pray?
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